I’ve been trying to find something to say about India for the past several weeks and I’ve just been sitting on my thoughts and ideas, mulling them over, letting them marinate because all or our experiences there have been so remarkable and life changing. Thinking about India has occupied so much of my time that I’ve written nothing here on the blog about anything else.

How do you write about your home, friends and family? It’s not like writing a regular travelogue, it operates on a different more intimate level. We have now been to India three times. Each time we travel to India, we sink deeper and deeper into its lush rose and marigold scented world.

India, as most countries are when you first visit them, was initially opaque to us. We knew some of the deities, loved the food but most of all we wanted to see tigers. The tigress we saw at Ranthambore was proud and beautiful. We were happy. But something else happened. The soul of India began to permeate us. We were perfumed by flowers and sandalwood, sitar, mantras and drums. We began to change, India has become part of us. We have made wonderful friends, some have become like family to us.

I don’t know what else to say at this time so I’ll leave it at that for now but be assured, with time I will return to this topic. In the meantime please enjoy these few photographs that I hope will give you a glimpse into the lives of people in Southern India. Jai Mata Di.