Beautiful Hagia Sophia. We’ve arrived and are excited to spend our first night in historic Istanbul.
Packing Lite
How does one pack for five weeks of travel through some of the most remote locations on earth? Excellent question. Alas the days of traveling with large steamer trunks belongs to a bygone era. Therefore, like many experienced travelers we have opted for durable lightweight clothing that is easy to wash. We’ve chosen to pack…
Round the world
This morning we are on our way to travel around the world by way of the Silk Road. Toady we fly to Instanbul where we’ll stay for a bit before continuing on to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China. From a historical perspective, we will be traveling through the regions that saw the first contact between…
Cursive and Cultural Continuity
As a fan and advocate of all things related to travel and history, it was wonderful to recently be able to sort through a collection of antique postcards in San Francisco. Many were of photographs from the time immediately surrounding the 1906 earthquake and fire. However it was the writing on the backs of the…
Visiting the Kennedy Space Center
Time has a way of distorting our memories, some are remembered and embellished, often with wistful romance. Many other memories are pushed aside and forgotten until an object or chance encounter breathes new life into them. My memories of the space race included only those images seen repeatedly throughout the media. Until this visit, I…
Canadian Style
The fog is thick here coming off the water in Nova Scotia. We’re supposed to be out on that water today and I can see from my vantage point that it’s going to be cold and damp, not unlike the fishing excursions I found myself on with my father and brother when we used to…
Pen versus Keyboard
The debate rages on, which is mightier, the pen or the keyboard? A flurry of recent articles has been lamenting the demise of handwriting and the inability of the internet generation to read and write cursive script. The arguments don’t simply center on which is the more efficient tool, rather the lines are being drawn…
Images of China
Curious Lizard is so very pleased to feature a set photos taken by Christina Warren on her trip to the World Expo in China earlier this year. Christina is adept at using the High Dynamic Range photography technique to push the boundaries of composition and exposure. Enjoy. [slickr-flickr tag=”China World Expo”]